Jan 1b63a Gas Switching Waveguide Electron Tube, Sealed, NIB. Manufactured February 1983
In 1983, this 1b63 was manufactured with at least 1 microcurie of Cobalt-60. After three decades, its activity should have diminished to less than 0.0193 microcuries. Although the remaining activity is undetectable with a Geiger counter, it can still be analyzed using Radiacode 101, 102, or Gamma Spectroscopy. When employing a Radiacode, the most accurate results can be obtained by using Lead shielding and the background subtraction feature.
The buyer must assume responsibility for this item and use it according to its intended purpose. It is illegal to remove the Am-241 sample from the ion chamber. Keep this away from children and store it at least thr feet away from anywhere anyone spends a lot of time.
This listing meets the requirements of NRC 10 CFR 40.22
It also meets U.S.P.S domestic shipping requirements for exempt limited quantities of class 7 materials according to –347.22 “are eligible under 49 CFR to be shipped as excepted packages for limited quantities” and –Exhibit 347.22 Activity Limits– and also –173.435– Table of A1 and A2 values
This item will conform to the USPS shipping restrictions when shipped.
Geiger counter not included.
NOTE: By purchasing this item you agree that you have read our
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