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About - Geiger Check

About Us

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A bit about us :

GeigerCheck.com was created out of a desire to break away from depending on third parties like auction sites or sales outlets who drive up prices and cause problems. We aspire to bring exciting and hard-to-find items to you that you mightn’t find anywhere else, for hobbies and educational purposes that mightn’t be possible otherwise.

This venture was sparked by an attempt to further our own projects or collections and having a hard time finding the right goods. After finally tracking them down and often having to buy in bulk, we started out by selling off the excess, and then decided to just continue bringing these goods to other geeks, like us.

We had a vision vision to make your scientific endeavor happen or complete your educational collection with items you won’t find elsewhere!


Neither GeigerCheck nor its owners will be held legally nor financially liable for damage, harm, or injury, be they physical or financial, caused by information, substances or objects acquired from this website.

By purchasing from GeigerCheck you agree never to concentrate or refine any form of radioactive substance and to abide by local and federal laws such as those contained in the Code of Federal Regulations put forth by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. You must become familiar with, before purchase, any applicable safety protocols relevant to the item or items, such as those pertaining to the proper handling and storage of naturally occurring minerals possessing significant levels of nuclear radioactivity.

All items on this website are safe when used, handled or stored properly. Like many, much more common objects or substances, however (even tools or chemicals associated with art, cosmetology, or custodial maintenance), there are items here that share a potential for misuse and which can become dangerous if ingested, broken into fine particles and the solids inhaled, or other blatant lapses in safety or common sense, thereby posing a danger to the welfare of living things. It is the buyer’s responsibility, before buying anything here, to read our Terms & Conditions and then proceed to any 3rd party information sources required for them to acquire the relevant knowledge required to safely and properly handle or store any materials they intend to buy.

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