
How to Measure an Object with a Dosimeter or Geiger Counter

Some Geiger counter manufacturers claim their devices can be used to test things like food, yet they provide no instructions on how to do so. Additionally, people on social media can be seen measuring objects with dosimeters or Geiger counters using the Sievert unit, with some even calling the results an “emitted dose rate.” This […]

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Radiacode Calibration Using Thoriated Glass via Mobile Device (Android and Apple)

Thoriated glass lenses—sometimes used in vintage cameras to reduce chromatic aberration—may contain up to 30% Th-232 by mass. For this analysis of Th-232, the Radiacode will rely on gamma emissions from its decay products, with a focus on the 238.6 keV peak produced by Pb-212, as well as the 583 keV and 2614 keV peaks

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Autunite Stabilization Procedure

Autunite is a metamict mineral, meaning it can disintegrate over time due to radioactive decay and water loss, which weakens its crystal structure. Stabilization with a consolidant can halt this natural disintegration process by infusing the specimen with an acrylic polymer. The two most commonly used consolidants for stabilizing autunite are Paraloid B-72 and Butvar

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